Company smowtion for-profit competitor AdSense+20%

Company Smowtion for-profit competitor AdSense+20%

Today, the oldest company you Smowtion of the strongest competitors to Adenss and often closes his account in this company Adenss Come alternative Amazing
For large sites, small and I prefer to use blogs with Google and let Adenss also compatible with Adenss is not opposed to that has been developed
Ads together ..

In this article will cite advantages of the company and Tllk Aaoppeaa play forum this company ..
The company, like any profit site for advertisements in pay sites on each 1000 impressions, for example, for each 1000 impressions $ 1
The company also paid for each click of $ 0.01 to 0.05 cents
I'm with you in some charity Tllk company profits are weak, so I advise to use with another advertising medium such as Adenss
Characteristic of this company's technical support direct live chat
To answer queries Mbachertaa At the top I explained the way the company
And also Mimeshaa Let's set up channels for each site owned place where an ad is, for example, activation page html code or dead
You can also invite friends Tnih link in your account and earn from each registered your account lineage is also defined by the Company

 This Hua the talk : digitalpoint

Tllk for the company ..
== Proof of payment to a company smowtion

Proof of payment

Registration :

good bye

lebale : smowtion , media , site , make money, Publication announcement

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